In Belarus the quantity of socially oriented companies that devote attention to charity activity is growing each day. Many companies provide support to our foundation on regular basis, by doing so they gave us an opportunity to save even more children’s lives. Around 2,000 organizations in the Republic of Belarus are UNIHELP sponsors.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a new trend in business field, relationship culture, when an organization provides support for social field. CSR implicates such company’s actions where, through control of its business processes, it has positive effect on the society. According to world statistics CSR factor makes 25% of company goodwill, providing therewith loyalty and devotion of its clients, workers and partners.
Maybe you have been considering helping children for a long time but you did not know how to do it. UNIHELP will gladly support any initiative to help children and acquaint you with the main ways of cooperation:
- Regular money transfers for payment of children’s treatment
Some organizations prefer to transfer specific amounts for seriously ill children every month, quarter or year. Also you can regularly transfer specific amount of money for a specific program or project.
- Raising funds among company workers
We know that there are many people among workers of our partner organizations who care about destinies of wards of International Charity Public Association UNIHELP. Many of them would want to make fair share contribution to children treatment; that is why we offer you to publish information about our foundation and children in need on your website or place it directly in your company’s office.
Employees of some organizations donate specific amount of funds out of their salary in favor of ill children every month.
Another way of fundraising among workers is placement of boxes for fundraising for ill children in company’s offices and in its points of sales.
- Sale fee transfer
Such form of cooperation with charity organizations gained widespread occurrence in the world practice. Its main point is that price for goods participating in such program is a little higher than a price for ordinary goods due to the difference to be donated for ill children. Typically such goods bear a charity program logotype. Thanks to such logo indifferent customers take part in charity program for ill children. Logo placement also conduces to drawing attention to company’s products and its social orientation.
- Joint charity events
Joint preparation and carrying out charity activities (concert, auction, flash mob, party, festival, charity fair, advertising or informational campaign) oriented on large attendance of perspective customers or company’s partners.
- Help with your enterprise production
On regular basis UNIHELP assists children social institutions, including infant orphanages, orphanages, and boarding schools and so on. Their boarders need clothing, footwear, stationery, hygiene products and many other things, and we do everything we can to provide children with all they need. It is in your power to help those who need it, that is why we offer you to help children not with money but with your company’s goods or services.
- Program “We give life instead of souvenirs”
Every year most companies spend a lot of money on producing and purchasing corporate souvenirs which most often lie on your partners’ shelves and gather dust. There is an alternative way to spend your celebratory budget that can bring a real difference for those who really need it.
Instead of purchasing standard promotional gifts and postcards for your partners we offer you to make donations in favor of seriously ill children and boarders of charitable homes. As a gift your partners, in turn, will receive charity certificates as evidence that they have helped children. As a result you will make them feel involved in helping ill children.
This is far from full list of forms of cooperating with us, and we are open to any offer that might appear useful for our foundation wards.
As well as you make a real contribution in saving somebody’s life, charity activity might become a part of your marketing strategy. It will have positive effect on the reputation of your company in the eyes of your clients, partners and governmental authorities. Any company can become a partner of our foundation. We will be glad to cooperate and open for your ideas and offers. Write or call us if you have any questions. We look forward to any help!
Contact Details:
+375 (17) 268-48-04, +375 (17) 392-31-98
Melezha Street, office 727, 220113 Minsk, BelarusMon-Fri: 9:00 – 18:00