Sometimes a person needs help and cannot cope with all the existing difficulties alone, then they are racing to rescue. They are volunteers, people with a big heart who always help those facing hard times. Becoming a volunteer is the right decision!
Sometimes a person needs help and cannot cope with all the existing difficulties alone, and then they are racing to rescue. They are volunteers, people with a big heart who always help those facing hard times. Becoming a volunteer is the right decision!
A person, who gets involved as a volunteer, shows that he will never remain indifferent to other people and will always come to the rescue.
Becoming a volunteer gives you an excellent opportunity to spend your free time profitably and help other people. It’s so easy to do good deeds! Moreover, you will be able to strike up useful acquaintances, find new friends and take part in various fascinating activities. And the most important thing is that you will do good deeds!
Project #iamavolunteer looks forward to your participation in such an important, interesting and useful activity as helping seriously ill children.
Join our UNIHELP volunteer team, and the world will be even kinder!