Do you need help?
UNIHELP exists to provide help to children in trouble. We give a chance for recovery and happy childhood because we believe that every child should be healthy and happy, regardless of the financial situation of his/her family. With all our might we do our best to save as many children’s’ lives as possible, but it becomes possible only thanks to support of benefactors.
If your child needs help of UNIHELP, please read the terms and conditions and the list of documents to be submitted to our foundation.
Terms and Conditions for Help Provision
- We provide help to citizens of the Republic of Belarus under 18.
- One can get help from UNIHELP only once per two years. Children, who have not received help previously, can reckon on it in the first turn.
- UNIHELP provides monetary help for reimbursement of diagnostics, treatment, and rehabilitation; as well as for purchase of medications and medical consumables.
- Help can be provided only upon receipt of a complete set of documents.
- We provide help exclusively via money transfer to a beneficiary’s charity account.
- Every beneficiary is obliged to give a detailed report about expenditure of received funds with supporting documents in attachment (bills, till slips, etc.)
Apply for Help
In order to help you, we need to know as much as possible about what happened to your child. We exist on donations of private people and organizations, which would rather provide targeted help. As a rule, people donate funds more willingly for needs of specific children, that is why we want your request letter to be as detailed as possible. It is extremely important for us because on the grounds of your request letter we prepare materials to be published on the website of UNIHELP and in mass media.
Your application must be dated and addressed to the Head of the Board of International Charity Public Association UNIHELP Zaretski Yauhen. Please, indicate full name of one of child’s parents and passport details, mailing address with ZIP code and your contact information (contact phone number and e-mail address). Your letter can be written in free form but it must contain the following information:
- A story about your child and its date of birth
- Child’s diagnosis
- Previous treatment
- Rationale for help from UNIHELP
List of Required Documents
UNIHELP processes only applications with complete set of necessary documents in attachment. Documents should be submitted in good quality (not photo!). That is why we recommend you to read carefully the below list of documents:
- A close-up photo of your child (approximately 10×15 cm, in good quality, preferably in digital format)
- Copies of pages of a child’s passport(pages 31 and 33)
- Copies of pages of a parent’s passport (pages 31 and 33, residence registration, civil status and child registration records)
- A copy of child’s birth certificate
- A copy of child’s disability certificate (if any)
- Medical documents (latest abstract of child’s medical record certified with doctor’s signature and seal, health history, etc.)
- A supporting document for the amount required for child’s treatment (hospital bill)
- Certificates of family income for the elapsed 12 month
- Family membership certificate issued by your domicile Housing Maintenance Service Organization
- Charity account details and most recent account statement
- A copy of a document proving blood relationship between an applicant and a child (if a child is in ward, under trusteeship or adopted)
You can send your documents by email/ordinary mail:
220113, Minsk, #1 Melezh Street, Suite 727Or make an online application (please, call us after sending documents and make sure that we have received your mail).