Helping children
Dear visitor! Most probably you are on this website by no coincidence as you are reading this article. And you do know for sure that involvement in solving some specific problems of other people is the highest human good. And it makes no matter how big such help is, as any help is not little!
Our website is purposed to bring together those who are ready to help children. In Belarus there are thousands of kids encountering problems of critical importance. They need help and support. We, grown-ups, are able to help these kids and give them happy childhood.
You can help children through our organization. We inform, who and what kind of support needs, also we shall track expenditure of donated funds for their intended purpose.
How to help ill children?
It happens that some kids develop serious diseases or disorders; some are born with congenital ones. Help for ill children means first and foremost money donation. The cost of treatment and medication sometimes makes dozens of thousand dollars. Nevertheless you are not expected to do the impossible! Even if you transfer 3 BYN, you will influence the fundraising process. It might look as insignificant help, but often such minor donations from several hundred or thousand people result in the amount required and little life saved.
How to help orphans?
Please, contact us for information, and we shall inform you on what help for ill children, orphans and kids of other categories is most needed! We’ll be happy to see you amongst the empathic people!