You may contact us by phone, email or arrange a meeting at our office. We will be happy to help you and answer all the questions.
Contact Details:
+375 (17) 243-40-00, +375 (17) 243-50-00
Melezha Street, office 727, 220113 Minsk, BelarusMon-Fri: 9:00 – 18:00
Contact Us:
- Eugene Zaretski (CEO)
- Victoria Lavrenenok (Deputy Chairman of the Board)
- Natalia Sohonevich (Accountant)
- Ekaterina Medveckaya (Inquiry Specialist)
- Ekaterina Kresik (Partnership Manager)
- Tatyana Tkachyova (Translator Secretary)
Bank Details:
International Charity Public Association UNIHELP
CEO — Eugene Zaretski Vikentievich, acts on the basis of Constitutions
Melezha Street, office 727, 220113 Minsk, Belarus
УНП 600978346, ОКПО 29184179
IBAN BY28 BLBB 3015 0600 9783 4600 1001