Aliaksandr Zaichanka

06.12.2006 agro-town Cherni, Brest region
All collected money
32 000 EUR
Total collected
32 000 EUR

Diagnosis of the child

Drug-resistant epilepsy, Lennox-Gastaut syndrome

Epilepsy is a group of neurological diseases characterized by convulsive seizures with loss of consciousness or brief “blackouts” from what is happening. Lennox-Gasto syndrome is characterized by absence seizures and convulsions with falling to the floor.  It is often accompanied by mental retardation and regression of psychomotor activity. Lennox-Gasto syndrome is a type of epilepsy that requires large doses of medication

The purpose of the collection

Purchase of a one-year course of medication

History of the child

At an early age, Alexander was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder – it was difficult for the child to be in a large group, he was withdrawn and not at all emotional. Thanks to work with psychologists and the family’s efforts, these features smoothed out over time. Alexander coped with the general school program. But in July 2021 the teenager had his first attack of epilepsy, then the disease began to appear more and more often. The disease developed rapidly, the number of attacks reached 45-70 times a day: nods, shudders with falling objects, tonic-clonic convulsions with impaired consciousness, speech disorders, sudden falls, at the same time became low concentration of attention, memory was disturbed, it is very difficult to master the school program. During the course of the disease a lot of examinations were carried out – in RNPC of neurology and neurosurgery (Minsk), in FGBU “Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center” (Moscow), a genetic analysis was made – full genome sequencing to determine further treatment tactics Belarusian and Russian doctors recommended additional examination – invasive EEG with registration – to determine the possibility of surgery.

At the beginning of 2024 Alexander became a UNIHELP ward. Thanks to the participation of indifferent people, the teenager was examined at a specialized epileptology center in Germany.

 “According to the German doctors’ conclusion, there are no surgical options to treat Alexander‘s disease.  Only drug therapy is indicated for him. The doctors have developed a treatment plan that includes daily intake of a number of medications.  Alexander receives two necessary medicines free of charge, but the necessary daily drugs “Frisium” and “Inovelon” are not registered in the Republic of Belarus.  We have to buy them at our own expense, which we lack catastrophically. We ask for your help in raising funds for expensive imported medicines for our son!” – Zaichenko’s family appeals to all friends of UNIHELP.

All funds have been raised (05.09.2024).