Aliaksandr Zaichanka

Diagnosis of the child
epilepsy with multiregional elliptiform activity on EEG, drug-resistant course, focal cortical dysplasia
Epilepsy is a group of neurological diseases characterized by convulsive attacks with loss of consciousness or short-term “disconnections” from what is happening.
Focal cortical dysplasia (FCD) is a local disorder in the structure of the cerebral cortex that occurs during fetal development. Clinically, FCD usually manifests itself as symptomatic epilepsy, which, as a rule, responds poorly or not at all to anticonvulsants. Surgical treatment is one of the most effective methods of helping such patients.
The purpose of the collection
invasive examination at the Center for Epileptology of the University Hospital Bielefeld (Germany)
History of the child
At an early age, Alexander was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder – it was difficult for the child to be in a large group, he was withdrawn and not at all emotional. Thanks to work with psychologists and the efforts of the family, these features smoothed out over time. The boy enjoyed physical education and sports: karate, his favorite section was roller skating, swimming. Sanya coped with the general education program. But in July 2021, the teenager suffered his first attack of epilepsy, then the disease began to manifest itself more and more often. Drug treatment relieved the attacks, but led to side effects – severe stuttering, attention deficit, excess weight, drowsiness. In February 2022, an MRI revealed focal cortical dysplasia of the left frontal lobe of the brain. Since July 2022, the disease has gained such momentum that there are up to 45-70 attacks a day: nodding, shuddering with falling objects, tonic-clonic convulsions with impaired consciousness, speech disorders, sudden falls.
“In 2022, Sanya spent more than 5 months in the hospital. He was fitted with a vagus nerve stimulator. The endless selection of antiepileptic drugs revealed the pharmacoresistant course of the disease and the need for surgical intervention. Examination at the Republican Scientific and Practical Center of Neurology and Neurosurgery (Minsk) and the Federal State Budgetary Institution National Medical and Surgical Center named after. N.I. Pirogov” (Moscow) did not clarify the location of the foci of the disease and showed the need for additional research – an invasive stereoelectroencephalogram (stereo-EEG). This survey was partially done in Moscow. Doctors recommended a further examination to determine further treatment tactics – an invasive EEG with recording of seizures, which is not carried out either in the Republic of Belarus or in the Russian Federation. Therefore, our family asks for help in paying for diagnostics at the Epileptology Center of the University Hospital Bielefeld (Germany).
We dream that our child, who currently needs outside help 24/7, is constantly at risk of injury, will return to a normal life, to attend school, play sports, be able to communicate, be independent, interesting to himself and other people.” , – the Zaichenko family addresses all UNIHELP friends.
All funds have been raised (12.02.2024).