Alexey Lagun

01.12.2015, Zhitkovichi (Belarus)
Лагун Алексей
All collected money
9 110 USD
Total collected
9 110 USD

Diagnosis of the child

bilateral sensorineural hearing loss, 4 deg. on the left, surdity on the right

Sensorineural hearing loss is a noninfectious disease of the inner ear. With this disease, the auditory nerve is affected and, consequently, sound perception suffers.

The purpose of the collection

raising money for the implant

History of the child

Alyosha is already 1 year and 7 months old, he is the second child in the Laguns family. Four months ago, the boy was diagnosed with bilateral neurosensory hearing loss of the 4th degree on the left, deafness on the right. By to the results of the examination, they told the parents that only the cochlear implant operation can help.

The optimal time for this type of implantation starts from one to two years. And the later you connect the child to the “artificial ear”, the more difficult it is for a child to learn to listen, and then begin to speak. At the moment, there are no implants at the State Scientific Center for Otorhinolaryngology to be implanted with state support, and the procurement of the next lot has been postponed indefinitely. In Belarus, only one ear is implanted with state support for children with hearing disabilities. Based on their current situation, the parents decided to implant the first ear at their own expense and with the help of all compassionate people.

“The cost of the implant, taking into account that the operation for its implantation in the territory of the Republic of Belarus is free, is 21,850 euros. To date, we have collected ourselves 14,100 euros, and still need 7,750 euros. Please, help our son to hear the voice of his parents and become a full member of society. After all, nothing is greater grace than the helping hand extended in time!”