Anya Storozhtovo

Diagnosis of the child
cerebral palsy
Among Anya’s several diagnoses, first-listed one is cerebral palsy. The girl cannot walk, eat without assistance and speak.
The purpose of the collection
a wheelchair
History of the child
Anya Storozhtovoi is only 7 years old, but she has already received 10 diagnoses: from cerebral edema and brain damage to cerebral palsy.
The girl was born healthy. But at the age of 4 months she was diagnosed with left-sided chorioretinitis. Simply put: inflammation of the uvea and retina. Further examinations have brought only new diagnoses, recommendations and prescriptions.
As time passed hope was replaced by despair. Anya cannot walk, eat without assistance or speak. The girl doesn’t have a lot of pleasures in life. She enjoys loneliness and likes to observe the life of her large family: the girl has two brothers, a sister and a mother.
The world of Anya is closed.
It is limited to her small bed and a flat.
The world of Anya is closed. It is limited to her small bed and a flat. A wheelchair could open the world for the girl. It costs 3 845 USD.
Let’s open the world for Anya