Chernyakova Vera

Diagnosis of the child
tuberous sclerosis
Tuberous sclerosis is a rare genetic disease that affects the central nervous system and causes benign tumors in various internal organs.
The purpose of the collection
purchasing medicines
History of the child
Vera has been diagnosed with tuberous sclerosis at birth. It is a rare genetic disease that affects the central nervous system and causes benign tumors in various internal organs.
The girl has such tumors not only in the heart, but also in her head. Dozens of antiepileptic drugs were tried in these 4 years, but regretfully they were not able to stop seizures.
“After the treatment in Israel Vera was prescribed with Afinitor, that is impossible to find in Belarus. To buy the medicine we are going to Russia and Ukraine. The medicine has helped, and the number of seizures reduced from 50 to 1-2 times a day. And that’s a great progress! The only problem is that the price of Afinitor is more than 2000$.”
Parents of Vera ask all people, that are not indifferent, for a help in purchasing the medicine for a year.