Egor Baranovskij

Diagnosis of the child
Mucoviscidosis (cystic fibrosis of the pancreas) is the most frequent lethal genetic disorder in the white race. It is an autosomal recessive transmission. In spite of its recent localisation on the 7th chromosome, the fundamental mechanism responsible for the symptoms remains unknown and it is still a syndrome more than a disease.
The purpose of the collection
HFCWO (High-Frequency Chest Wall Oscillation (the Vest))
History of the child
Egor Baranovski has a mucoviscidosis (cystic fibrosis). It is an illness that affects the “respiratory tracts resulting in chronic respiratory infections”. The thick secretions clog the airways in the lungs, which often cause inflammation and severe lung infections. If it is compromised, it affects the quality of life of someone with mucoviscidosis and the ability to complete such tasks as everyday chores.
HFCWO is one of the treatments used to remove mucus build-up. The percussive pressure produced by the vest helps separate mucus from the airway walls in the lungs, helping it move up and out. Patients typically use the vest in 20- to 30-minute sessions, stopping every five minutes to cough up sputum.
In addition, refinements of the HFCWO technique have made it more effective. Using higher pressure and variable frequency settings led to patients coughing up more mucus from the lungs. There are also “targeted kinetic energy” devices to the vests to help mobilize mucus.
The cost of such device is 11 173 EUR that is too expensive for Egor’s parents.
But you can donate and help Egor!
Collecting is closed (17.05.2021).