Kurlovich Ilya

Diagnosis of the child
lower extremity paraparesis (1st degree of severity)
Paraparesis is the partial paralysis of both legs. It is characterized by progressive weakness and spasms in the legs.
The purpose of the collection
History of the child
In 2015 Ilya’s parents asked UniHelp for help in raising money for rehabilitation in Germany.
Now Ilya is 11 years old, but he has already achieved great results: the boy can swim, he sings with a good sense of rhythm – it goes without saying that it’s really hard for a child with a hearing loss. All the achievements result from never-ending work of parents, doctors, but first of all from the efforts of Ilya.
Time goes by so fast and for the proper physical development the boy needs orthoses. Even a little help can give the boy a chance for a better future!