Veranika Kazyra

23.01.2019, Gomel
2024-03 Вероника Казыра-476A4692
All collected money
48 000 EUR
Total collected
48 000 EUR

Diagnosis of the child

Short bowel syndrome (SBS)

Short bowel syndrome (SBS) is a malabsorptive condition most often caused by massive resection of the small intestine. Clinical disease is only weakly correlated with the amount of intestine that is resected because of the highly variable length of the human small bowel and the remarkable ability of the bowel to compensate for bowel resection. Therefore, the best definition of SBS is based upon intestinal dysfunction, ie, the presence of significant malabsorption of both macronutrients and micronutrients. SBS is the most common cause of intestinal failure, a term that describes the state when an individual’s gastrointestinal function is inadequate to maintain his or her nutrient and hydration status without intravenous or enteral supplementation. Other causes of intestinal failure include diseases or congenital defects that cause severe malabsorption, bowel obstruction, and dysmotility (eg, pseudo-obstruction).

The purpose of the collection

Numeta parenteral nutrition course for 12 months

History of the child

Veranika Kazyra was born with a severe pathology – diaphragmatic hernia complicated by necrosis of the small intestine. In the first month of life Veranika underwent three difficult operations to save the girl’s life, doctors were forced to remove almost the entire small intestine. To Veranika was able to live outside the hospital walls, with her family, grow and develop, I had to set up a real treatment room at home with an infusion pump for intravenous nutrition. And the fact that at five years old the baby is different from peers only by way of nutrition – this is a real miracle that has become made possible thanks to your kind hearts!

“Over 5 years, we have managed to reduce the number of infusions from daily to 2 times per week. This is a good trend, and there is hope that over time Veranika will be able to manage without parenteral nutrition. But for now Veranika needs continue taking the drug, which costs 4 thousand euros per month. We tried to replace the drug with a more affordable one, but at the same time Liver function worsened and, as a result, Veranika’s general condition worsened. Our only hope is philanthropists. We warmly thank everyone who responded to our call for help, and we believe that together we will defeat the disease and wait for the time when Veranika can live without IVs! – Veranika’s mother Anna Kazyra addresses UNIHELP friends.


All funds have been raised (04.04.2024).