Viyaleta Khropava

20.12.2005, Mogilev
Виоллета Хропова
All collected money
80 000 USD
Total collected
80 000 USD

Diagnosis of the child

congenital heart disease: double anatomical single ventricle of the heart (EVC), transposition of the great vessels, protein-losing enteropathy

The single ventricle of the heart (SVC) is a congenital heart disease (CHD), characterized by a violation of the atrioventricular connection, when the atrial cavities through the mitral and tricuspid valves are connected to only one well-developed dominant ventricle. Normally, the human heart has two well-developed ventricles (right and left), which work as pumping chambers, expelling blood into the small (to the lungs) and large (to the rest of the organs) circulation circles. In the case when one ventricle is developed incorrectly, the second takes over its function and works on both circles of blood circulation, which leads to its overload and rapid exhaustion. In this case, venous (poor in oxygen) and arterial (oxygen-rich) blood mix, and blood with an insufficient oxygen content enters all organs.

The purpose of the collection

operation at the Schneider Children's Medical Center (Israel)

History of the child

Violetta Khropova was born with one of the most severe heart defects – alas, nowhere in the world has the method of creating the second ventricle of the heart been invented yet (the only radical method is transplantation of the heart-lung complex). The baby underwent the first operation at 4 months, in total, in order for Violetta to live, Belarusian doctors performed 10 operations. In 2019, Violetta’s condition worsened, she was diagnosed with protein-losing enteropathy – a condition in which the lymphatic system suffers, the content of albumin protein in the blood is critically reduced. This is manifested by severe shortness of breath, fatigue, swelling of the face, arms and legs. Violetta has to go to the hospital several times a month to receive albumin drips. But the symptoms soon return. Embolization of the lymphatic system can help, but the necessary operation is not yet available in Belarus.


“What is open heart surgery? This is a complex multi-stage anesthesia. These are layers of cut skin, these are sawn ribs. This is a cardiac arrest and the connection of a heart-lung machine. This is a blood transfusion and the subsequent launch of a new repaired heart. Exit from anesthesia. Complications are possible at every stage of the operation. At such moments, you forget to breathe and just pray, says Violetta’s mother Ekaterina. – As a person who has stood on the edge more than once, Violetta tries to do a lot in a short period between hospitals. She is homeschooled and online, plays the piano and cymbals, draws, tik tok and tries to help peers who are faced with heart disease. After each of the 10 operations, Violetta returned with a victory, and this time we must win her back from death. How much is life worth? When you see the amount with five zeros, hands involuntarily drop. Then you come to your senses and start looking for a solution. We have already collected 30 thousand dollars, it remains to collect 80 thousand. Only your help can give Violetta life!”

All funds have been raised (30.06.2023).