Viyaleta Khropava

20.12.2005, Mogilev
All collected money
50 000 USD
Total collected
50 000 USD

Diagnosis of the child

protein-losing enteropathy against the background of severe congenital heart disease, condition after multiple open heart surgeries.

Protein-losing enteropathy is a condition caused by the fact that lymphatic fluid, which contains a large amount of protein, flows into the intestinal area. As a result, the body loses an important substance from the vascular system. This is manifested by severe shortness of breath, rapid fatigue, swelling of the face, arms and legs. To somehow compensate for the loss of protein, blood transfusions, albumin infusions, and the use of many difficult-to-tolerate drugs are performed.

The purpose of the collection

urgent additional surgery – lymphatic system embolization at Schneider Children's Medical Center (Israel).

History of the child

Viyaleta Khropava was born with one of the most severe heart defects – unfortunately, no method of creating a second heart ventricle has yet been invented anywhere in the world (the only radical method is a heart-lung transplant). The baby underwent her first operation at 4 months, but in total, Belarusian doctors performed 10 operations so that Viyaleta could live. In 2019, Viyaleta’s condition worsened, protein-losing enteropathy was diagnosed – a condition in which the lymphatic system suffers, the content of albumin protein in the blood is critically reduced. Viyaleta had to go to the hospital several times a month to get albumin drips. But the symptoms soon returned. In the spring of 2023, Viyaleta became a ward of UNIHELP. The only chance to save Viyaleta’s life was an operation – lymphatic system embolization – not yet available in Belarus. Many caring people responded to the call for help. Together we raised the funds, and Viyaleta went for the operation, which was not easy. But the exhausted body of the young girl was able to function normally for almost a year after the operation. Unfortunately, this summer Viyaleta’s condition worsened again. Now she is in the hospital, constantly receiving IVs, which only temporarily stabilizes her condition.


“If I could give my heart to my daughter, I would do it without thinking. But it is impossible. So I am just trying to do everything to save my girl. I contacted the doctor who operated on Viyaleta a year ago. On September 21, the doctor will be able to see us to do additional embolization of the lymphatic system. Alas, money is needed for the operation again (even with a huge discount from the doctor, the clinic cannot take foreigners for free). And all I can do is ask for your help! ” – Viyaleta’s mother Ekaterina appeals to all kind hearts.

All funds have been raised (23.09.2024).