Words of thanks!
A huge thanks to everyone involved, all of supporters.
International day of the deaf : this day is celebrated worldwide on the initiative of the UN on the last Sunday of September.
Hearing loss not only affects hearing sense, it also affects the spoken language, which is very important in life for communication with the outer world. These kids are otherwise normal and sometimes highly competing in every aspect with the normal children. Hearing loss is not a visible disability like blindness and loco motor disabilities and sometimes it has been given less importance by the society.
This international day helps to promote awareness of human rights and sign languages by hosting a variety of events around the globe.
These activities call for participation and involvement of various stakeholders including families, peers, governmental bodies, professional sign language interpreters, organisations of persons with disabilities!
A huge thanks to everyone involved, all of supporters.
50 kopeks from each purchased light bulb were sent to help those who are in such a need
A huge "thank" say Milana Ramanava and her mother!!!